Saturday, December 5, 2020

December 2020


I'm back after 7 years trying to blog again!  I want my posterity to know how much I love them and love the Lord and the scriptures and the gospel of Jesus Christ!  For that reason and to keep my promise to  remember Wayne, I'm back!  

This is a semi-recent picture.  Maybe a year old.  Tori has since gotten married to a great young man named Kaler Mehlberg, and Devon and Ashley had their baby, Paisley.  I'm going to try to put my impressions from the Come Follow Me readings here in this blog as well.  We've been asked to record our impressions, and my awesome little sister, Whitney, and I are trying to help each other do this.  

Today was a fun day.  I got to go Christmas shopping mostly for my Dad and Mom and Dad Henrie.  I ended up getting some stuff for Tess and Randy and Taytum Gordy too.  I love being able to find things I think they will like.  Then I made a big pot of chili.  Kaia Mehlberg kindly helped me season it.  Then I took some to Mitch and Chass.  Chass hasn't been feeling very good and her son-in-law, Josh Guymon and daughter, Kylie Guymon, both have Covid-19.  There's a pandemic going on right now that has changed many things - how we look - wearing face masks in all public places, how we interact - social distancing with 6 feet apart recommended, many appointments are virtual and church is every other week too.  

My health has been a little crazy lately, literally!!  I was in the University Neuropsychiatry Institute for a whole month.  Then I lost my job.  I've been at home since then living on my savings and so grateful to be out of the hospital.  I have been being treated with something called ECT - electroconvulsive therapy.  I have to go to Salt Lake for it, and someone has to drive me because I can't drive for 24 hours after my treatment.  Tess has been so sweet to take me.  I used to go weekly, then every 10 days, then every two weeks, and now I am going every three weeks.  The people who treat me are really kind.  I don't remember too much about it.  It causes some memory loss, and that is one of the reasons I am not working right now.  I have loved being a stay-at-home Mom.  I haven't not worked since I was in high school.  I have been able to cook dinners for my kiddos, I have been baking bread and cookies more.  I read President Monson's book.  I am feeling like myself, and I am so so so so so grateful for that.   When I am sick, I hear voices, and I was diagnosed with likely schizophrenia.  That was hard to be told.  It's not fun to be crazy!!  I am so grateful I'm not hearing any voices.  The ECT and the combination with that and the medications I am on has made me healthy again, and again, I'm so thankful for that.  

My computer's battery is going to die soon, so I'll just quickly list some highlights of my scripture reading today:  I admire Moroni.  It must have been so lonely to wander around looking for places to hide because he wouldn't deny the Christ and all Christians were being put to death.  It's great that he kept a record!  He wrote out the sacrament prayers, so that's wonderful that we have those.  Lots of awesome scriptures in Moroni.  One scripture I highlighted is Moroni 7:19 "Wherefore I beseech of you, brethren, that ye should search diligently in the light of Christ that ye may know good from evil, and if ye will lay hold upon every good thing, and condemn it not ye certainly will be a child of Christ."  One of my favorites is Moroni 7:45

"And charity suffereth long and is kind, and envieth not, and is not puffed up, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil and rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth, beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things."

I love my children and wish they didn't have to go through all of this with me.  I'm just grateful I get to still be home with them.  My family has been amazing, biological and in-laws!!  So many came to my rescue while I was in the hospital.  I will be forever grateful.  I love my parents and appreciate all of their support!