Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Tuesday No Treat

Tuesday Treat - sorry, I didn't bake today.  Leftover cookies from mutual and popsicles....who knows when I'll get baking again!!  It might be Christmas :) 
I loved my job today.  It was really busy and the time flew by.  It really is fascinating stuff.  I love compounding!  It definitely stretches my brain more than anything else has in a long time.  I am so grateful for Ryan and the kids for helping to make this all work.  It certainly is taking teamwork, but I love this team I play on!!  Ryan has been a huge help, and I couldn't do it without his support and extra help with our sweet kiddos!  Yesterday was my first day on my own, and I definitely made some mistakes.....capsules were a nightmare, but today was much better!  I have felt so invigorated these past two weeks and haven't had this much energy all summer.  I truly feel blessed and humbled by the Lord to have extra strength to do this.  Anywhooo....Here is a glimpse of our evening.

We ended the evening relaxing in the backyard and doing some cloud gazing.  Tori took pictures of Ryan's masterful flower gardens.  He has a magical touch when it comes to growing things.  Our vegetable garden has struggled thanks to water-resistant dirt!  The potatoes and onions are the only things that survived the first planting.  The squash and radishes are coming up in the second planting.  We replanted peas and beans two times, and there are a few of them popping up here....It's been a "growing" experience!!!

p.s.  Devon LOVED EFY with his Torrie cousins last week!!!  I'm so glad he got to go!  Thanks Raeghn and Chass for all of the running around you did with them!!!  Dallin LOVED scout camp.  I am so grateful for such awesome programs for our youth!