Wednesday, September 15, 2010


First of all, THANKS so much Alleen, Mari, Holly, and Aunt Susan for taking the time to lift me yesterday when everything felt so heavy!  I would have gladly cried on any of your shoulders.  I know you each have your own individual burdens and struggles, so thanks with my whole heart for taking the time to share mine yesterday.  Your kind words were so very greatly appreciated!   Thank goodness the sun came up and things didn't seem as dark and overwhelming as they did in the middle of the night when I posted that.  I usually keep my feelings like that stuffed inside, but since this is my journal and I will print it out later, my hope is that maybe one day my honesty will benefit my children with their own struggles...I pray they will turn to the Lord and to wonderful friends and family even when their faith is weak and life seems so hard.  Truly you darling gals, THANKS with big hugs and love!!

On a brighter note, for the past four days we had our friends, Trent and Sharon Rogers stay with us while they attended a canyoneering class here in Cedar City.  Trent has been Ryan's friend since they were about 14 years old, and interestingly Trent's sisters were my family home evening sisters at Ricks College long before I knew Ryan existed.  They come from an amazing family!  Trent is a sweetheart and has been such a loyal friend to Ryan, and Sharon is so good to me and was such a big help with the kids while she was here.  We attended an SUU football game together, enjoyed some rousing games of Rook together Sunday night, and really just had a blast getting caught up on each others' lives.  I went into some archive photos to get these ones of Ryan hiking and rapelling with the Rogers a couple of years back (still don't have a camera :) ).


Holly, Trent and Sharon said they had SO much fun with you and Garrett hiking last weekend.  I'm so proud of you for getting out and slapping lupus in the face :).  Love you!!