Friday, May 6, 2011

Women's Conference 2011

I was able to go up to Women's Conference at BYU last weekend.  It was SO fun!  My first time ever, and I highly recommend it!  Had tons of fun with two of my sister-in-laws and friends.  I also got to go up to Salt Lake and visit one of my best friends who moved up there a couple of years ago.  She just had a darling baby boy - way too sweet!!   One of the highlights of the conference for me was Sister Julie Beck's talk; she is the general Relief Society president of the LDS Church.  She spoke about finding out who we are and really what we are supposed to be doing here.  She said she hears so many questions from women like, "Should I stay at home or work outside the home?" (one that I've struggled with this past year), and she said that really these are the wrong questions to ask.  She said that we need to align ourselves with God's will for us through our own personal revelation and then do those things that were given to us as non-negotiable duties and responsibilities before we came to earth.  She reminded us that the world's view/ideas of what women should be is entirely opposite of the Lord's vision.  It is a rich and powerful vision for women- caring and compassionate and able to make a huge difference in other's lives.  She also spoke about this era of "entitlement" - how we feel like people "owe" us and we "deserve" this and that.  She said something that was profound and direct and smacked me across the face:

"No one owes us anything - We owe Christ EVERYTHING." 

I tell Ryan all the time that he owes me!  Most of the time joking, but not always!  :)  It was a great reminder to me to remember my nothingness and the overwhelming debt I owe to my Savior.

Gorgeous day 1 - campus was spring personified

trottin' around campus

Chillin' with the tulips

most of the gang

winner of the coolest free shirt award

woke up to snow day three - bummer!!

Crash and burn - Came home and got to see all of my kids asleep together; this hasn't happened in ages!  Too sweet.

Oh, did I mention my pretend best friend, Hilary Weeks?  We weren't about to wait in the mile-long line to talk to her, but we snuck in and got a totally dorky picture.  She's been begging me for a copy :)

Thanks girls for a refreshing, uplifting weekend!!

- I also ran into (literally - right after I stuffed a whole York chocolate mint into my mouth because I wasn't supposed to be eating in the classroom) a second cousin who works at BYU that I haven't seen in 15 years.  SOO good to see her.  Also ran into some darlin' Cedar friends of mine.  People are really all that matter to me in life.....