Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Backlog of Back Blogs! - Ranch

Ranch Face
Busted by Uncle Dave
Our adopted son, Tyler with his "bros"

I feel FREEEEEEE!!!!!
~Group Hug~
Point A - beginning of hike, bottom of hill.
Objective - "shed hunting" or "antler hunting."  Now, for those of you who are like me, this sounds a lot like looking under the couch for a missing hairbrush from last year and shouting a victory cry as you collect the strands off the brush.  I haven't caught the "passion" for this sport of sorts, but for Ryan it is a big deal!  I was along for the company, the scenery, and the exercise.
Point B - top of hill laying on our backs after inhaling Snicker bars and being amazed by the beauty of nature.
Behold, hair off the hairbrush - woohoo!!
My mighty shed hunter - victorious once again
Point C - bottom of hill, five hours and six miles later.

p.s.  Other need-to-know information I acquired on the hike:
elk poop = looks like a "Whopper"
deer poop = bloated raisin