Thursday, May 20, 2010

Steering Wheel Confessions

I totally spaced Tess' end-of-school program!  Totally skipped it!  I felt like such a loser - bad mom, bad mom!!!  Poor sweety.  I took her out to Dairy Queen tonight to apologize.  She was full of questions, "How do babies grow inside your tummy?  How does money come out of the ATM?  How do you learn how to drive?"  That led me to a confession that I haven't told many people in my life...I told her most normal humans take a course called driver's ed.  I grew up on a farm.  I didn't take driver's ed.  It took me four times for me to pass my driver's license exam.  FOUR!!  I failed three times!  Phew, what a relief to get that out.  It was unbelievably humiliating for me when I was 16, but today it felt freeing to tell my daughter and be able to laugh about it!  Now the world knows I'm a bad mom and a lousy driver!!  :)