A month before I turned 15, my little sister Whitney graciously entered my life as a gift from the Heavens!
She is a doll!! She's such an example to me, and I love her to absolute pieces!
When my brothers started to get married, I was overjoyed to gain some more sisters. Then I married Ryan and gained three more beautiful sisters. I am so grateful to all of these ladies for accepting me in my Mowgli form and being such kind friends to me. This past week I got to see five of my sisters.
I love you Holly
I really wish we could have had more time to get caught up, but it was so good to see you for a few minutes. Thanks for all of your help with Ryan and his sore back. Please always know how dear you are to me. And sorry for stealing this picture off your FB :) ha ha. It was just such a cute picture!
I love you Jodi.
It is always so fun to see you. Thanks for accepting me and loving me all these years. You are down to earth, accepting, hardworking, and have a huge heart!
-Then I got to go up to Salt Lake to see three more of my sisters for a Girls Night Out. I love you Tami, Raeghn, and Becky. It was such a blast! We went out to eat at Olive Garden and then stayed up until 4 a.m. playing Rook, eating Swedish fish, sharing our most embarrassing moments, and laughing until we cried. It's a favorite memory ladies. Love and miss you all!!!
Don't ask how we got on the foot thing, but we were measuring and photographing and laughing! It's going to gross Ryan out - he doesn't do feet :).