I don't want to get long winded as it is late and I have been way too long winded lately, but what are your thoughts about "lifting where you stand" versus "dreaming big"? Just lately I have, I think for the first time, wholeheartedly embraced my role as a wife and mother of five and let some of my other dreams go to the backseat and others into the dumpster where they belong. I think it is a fine line to figure out, but I am truly so, so grateful for my children and my honest and gentle and supportive husband and best friend. I will try to be better at being grateful I have opportunities to lift where I stand and serving those who surround me and who I love the very most! I think I'm too tired to make much sense tonight, so I'm off to bed on a windy Cedar City night.
P.s. I'm glad I get to rock out when I'm all alone :)and glad I get to teach piano lessons. It is such a blessing to me! Love those kiddos!
"The greatest job that any mother will ever do will be in nurturing, teaching, lifting, encouraging, and rearing her children in righteousness and trusth. None other can adequately take her place."
~Gordon B. Hinckley